Health, Healing and Peak Performance [Audio CD]


Audio CD.

This CD will help (your brain) you to adapt, regulate and balance your “internal environment.” Would you like a happier frame of mind, a stable, hopeful mind, an ability to enjoy the now, to engage in your own daily success? Choose a comfortable position, sit back and experience a remarkable improvement in your mood, in your sleep, in your activities of daily living, in the synchronizing of your bodily rhythms, in your overall sense of well being – in your feelings and control over your life. Sit back, relax and enjoy all the amazing benefits of this easy, comforting way of being that your brain, your mind and your body so eagerly desires and deserves. This CD of mindful awareness can profoundly affect the maintenance of your health and the healing of “any” illness, pain, anxiety or disorder that you may be experiencing.

SKU: 009 Category: