Get yourself into a comfortable position and begin to observe what is in front of you. Now take a deep breath through your nose, filling your abdomen with air. Feel it blowing up like a balloon. Good. Now, as slowly as you possibly can, exhale through your mouth and send the breath all the way […]

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THE HYPNOSIS OF THE LECLAIRE METHOD The center of the Leclaire Method is to keep the mind out of the body’s way so that the body can do its work, and this requires psychological, spiritual, and emotional preparation. Once some of that work has been done, you can let go and allow yourself to be […]

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While meditation may be defined as emptying the mind to make space for our inner self to speak to us, or clearing the mind of clutter, there are other ways to use the power of our minds. One way is through imagery. Imagery could be defined as a formalized approach to daydreaming; we’ve all used […]

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Part 2: Gregorian Chant Babies

Aristotle wrote: …emotions of any kind are produced by melody and rhythm; therefore by music a man becomes accustomed to feeling the right emotions; music has thus power to form character, and the various kinds of music based on the various modes may be distinguished by their effects on character – one, for example, working […]

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Part 1 of 2: Gregorian Chant Babies

          “I despise a world which does not intuitively feel that music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.”                          Ludwig Von Beethoven             The Egyptians felt that music affected humans both by creating a physical sensation and by arousing a mental state somewhat similar to enchantment.  The Chinese felt that music had a […]

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Exercise: Setting Goals

Begin by doing the simple meditation described in the previous exercise once a week, and increase gradually until you are meditating six days a week for twenty minutes a day. Write out a schedule for yourself. Make the goals easier to meet than not to meet. Do not set yourself up for failure. We human […]

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The purpose of observing your breath is to keep you in the now. Your body knows exactly how to breathe, even during labor. All you need to do is be mindful of your breath. Observe it and observe it and continue to observe it. Continue to receive the next breath. Your jaw will relax. Your […]

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A Simple Meditation for Quieting Your Senses and Mind

Meditation Exercise: Read through this once, and then go back and try it. Then decide how often you would like to practice this for the greatest benefit. If you are in your first or second trimester, I suggest doing the following for five minutes 3 times each week and gradually working up to the goal […]

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Meditation, Week 5

Week 5: Continue as with weeks 1 through 4. Let these steps take you about 5 minutes. Use your own internal clock. Today and 4 more times this week, meditate for a total of twenty minutes each time. Conventional medicine has rendered you powerless. Our society is stuck. We have given the responsibility for our […]

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